Unconscouis Bias business rules support understand create hivemind

Unconscious Bias & Why Our Customers Buy From Us

The biggest barrier to your success in business is not just that you understand the needs of your customers, but that you understand the unconscious biases driving the buying decisions of those customers. If you would prefer to watch a video of me talking on the subject my Fireside Chat is below. We’re all guilty of…

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Marketing Business Community Hive mind

Don’t Be Tempted To Put Lipstick On A Pig

Be under no illusion, as we emerge blinking in the sunlight from the darkness of the pandemic it will be your brand that needs to shine, not your product or your service. Now before you rush off at a tangent this absolutely does not mean your branding. Branding is something entirely different from brand and these…

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Pandemic Burnout & The Current State of Apathy

As part of our role running Hivemind Warren Knight and I speak with a huge amount of solopreneurs & business people every week. Last week over lunch we were discussing a very common trend we have spotted in the people we meet, where they feel exhausted & lacking motivation. We are calling in Pandemic Burnout.…

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Developing business ideas Hivemindthinking help content

Multiple Heads Are Better Than One

First of all thanks to my gorgeous cousin Dawn for sharing this on her timeline today because I both love it and think it beautifully summarises what we do at Hivemind. Below are two videos, which both went viral so there is every chance you have already seen them, or at least one of them.…

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The 5 Massive Mistakes People Make When Creating Lead Magnets… and what to do about it.

Lead magnets have been a core part of content marketing strategies for years… but a question often asked by our members is what makes a good one? And how can they avoid making the common mistakes with theirs? SO… In this blog I will share the most common mistakes people make when creating a lead…

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Don’t sell features & benefits… sell certainty!

Do you think this is true… In uncertain times, people crave certainty? A couple of weeks ago I listened to an interview with Simon Chaplin and James Ashford (Which was excellent) where they discussed a number of topics, but the one that stuck in my head was the notion of ‘selling certainty’. Essentially people make…

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What Three Train Journeys Taught me About VALUES.

Journey One (2003) – When values match around a cause, people take action  It was a Sunday morning, and I was on my way to London. I was feeling really nervous about the day ahead, but excited at the same time. You see it was the day of the London Marathon, and I was running…

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What a Mojito Taught Me About Customer Service

Several years ago, on a visit to the City of Bath to spend the day sight seeing, going to the theatre and enjoying some of the culinary delights on offer, I had an experience which changed the way I looked at customer service forever. It was early evening and we decided on dinner at the Firehouse…

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The Curse of Imposter Syndrome… and What to do About it!

Many years ago, I was part of a Mastermind group with some really talented people who challenged me every month whilst also providing great insights on the issues I faced, and accountability to take action. I learned loads from them, and it felt like I had a board of directors rather than doing it all…

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We may not be right for each other, and that’s OK!

Have you ever had people take offence at your marketing before? Or do you write vanilla copy trying to please everyone? I thought I would share a recent experience with you because I feel it is a good reminder for us all. Over the last couple of weeks we have been sharing a free guide…

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